From 15th to 25th January X Field Study Abroad join to Micro Grid Academy, in Nairobi, Kenya.
Location: Kenya
Description: The Micro-grid Academy is a technical training platform promoted by the RES4Africa foundation and based in Nairobi, aimed at creating experts in the creation of distributed electricity generation plants to contribute to the rural electrification of communities in Sub-Saharan Africa
Activity: Tecnologie Solidali is the scientific promoter of the didactic activities of the MGA, which include lectures and field visits to case studies and reference pilot projects
The Micro-grid Academy is a regional capacity building platform for trainees to learn technical and business skills through a variety of courses and the use of a 10-30 kW off grid hybrid power plant. Located in KPLC Training & Research Institute In Nairobi, the Academy aims to train young local and international professionals and graduates on how to plan, design, build and operate a hybrid micro-grid in rural and remote areas. The Academy supports the roll-out of micro-grid projects in their local communities, thereby contribuiting to creating energy access, growing the green jobs market, local community economic development, and the improvement of African livelihoods. The first training courses will take place from 15th to 25th of January 2018 with 50 participants from East Africa, Europe and USA, taught by international lecturers. 25 students from the 10th Field Study Abroad Edition will participate to the first week of MGA course and some of them will spend about two months in Nairobi to support the implementation of MGA. Read the articles: Visit MGA web site for more informations: