It is possible to make donations to the ONLUS using:
1- Credit card, prepaid, or Paypal by clicking on the following button
2- Bank transfer
IBAN: IT28Y0501803200000011872967
Banca: Banca Etica
Technical Solidarity is a non-profit organization, and therefore its donors enjoy tax treatments pursuant to art. 138, paragraph 14 of law no. 388 of 2000 which certifies that the donations made in favor of subjects are included among the deductible charges (article 13-bis, paragraph 1, letter i-bis, of the consolidated text of the income tax TUIR approved with DPR n.917 of 1986) identified pursuant to the Presidential Decree of 20 June 2000, published in the Official Gazette n.155 of 5.07.00.
For tax relief, it is advisable to keep track of the original documentation of the payments in question (bank account or credit card statement, etc.).